participating entities
overarching term for the various geographic or administrative units participating in a study, for example, countries, provinces, states, regions, or cities; participating entities are listed in the gateway as reported in study documents
Author: Falk Brese, IEA, Nathalie Mertes, IEA
Programme d’analyse des systèmes éducatifs de la CONFEMEN
(in English: Programme for the Analysis of Education Systems); a study conducted by the CONFEMEN
Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies; a study conducted by the OECD
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study; a study conducted by the IEA
PIRLS Literacy
(formerly prePIRLS) was developed in order to extend the measurement of reading literacy at the lower end of the PIRLS achievement scale; it is equivalent to PIRLS in scope and based on the same conception of reading; linkage mechanisms between the PIRLS and PIRLS Literacy assessments allow for the reporting of PIRLS Literacy results on the PIRLS achievement scale and a comparison of results
Author: Adeoye Oyekan, IEA, Nathalie Mertes, IEA, based on IEA website
Programme for International Student Assessment; a study conducted by the OECD
plausible values
random selections made from the distribution of possible scores for individuals participating in an assessment or survey; a minimum of five selections is usually made for each individual; the aggregated variance of these selections provides an estimate of the measurement uncertainty
Author: Eugene Gonzalez, ETS
parent/person most knowledgeable
population model
statistical function defining the relationship between responses to an assessment and background questionnaire items, and the proficiency estimates; used to estimate the distribution of possible scores for the individuals responding to the assessment, from which the plausible values are selected
Author: Eugene Gonzalez, ETS
probability proportional to size
prePIRLS (now PIRLS Literacy) was developed in order to extend the measurement of reading literacy at the lower end of the achievement scale
Author: Adeoye Oyekan, IEA, Nathalie Mertes, IEA, based on IEA website
Programa Regional de Indicadores de Desarrollo Infantil
(in English: Regional Project on Child Development Indicators); a study conducted by the IDB
probability proportional to size (PPS) sampling
a probability sampling procedure according to which the size of the unit determines its probability of inclusion in the sample; can be used to enhance precision
Author: Nathalie Mertes, IEA, based on Statistics Canada (2010), p. 98
probability sampling
random selection (i.e., a selection exempt from bias and founded on chance) of units from a population such that inferences can be made about the population based on observations from the sample; units do not necessarily have the same probability of inclusion; in most complex studies, the inclusion probability differs from one unit to another
Author: Nathalie Mertes, IEA, based on Statistics Canada (2010), p. 98
problem solving and inquiry