- ICCSInternational Civic and Citizenship Education Study; a study conducted by the IEA
- ICILSInternational Computer and Information Literacy Study; a study conducted by the IEA
- ICQMinternational quality control monitor
- ICTinformation and communication technologies/technology
- IDBInternational Database or Inter-American Development Bank (conducts the PRIDI study)
- IDEInternational Data Explorer
- IEAInternational Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement; conducts studies such as ICCS, ICILS, PIRLS, and TIMSS
- ILSAinternational large-scale assessment
- implicit stratified samplingthe sampling frame is sorted prior to sampling according to specific characteristics
- initiatorthe organization behind an ILSA; not necessarily identical with the author or the original source of an ILSA in its strict sense, as the establishment of such a study is typically a process in which many parties are involved
- international large-scale assessmentumbrella term for comprehensive, transnational studies in education, regardless of whether they include a cognitive assessment component; for example, a representative study that measures educational achievement or development outcomes (e.g., participants’ knowledge, performances, or skills, or all of them in a particular domain) with an explicit focus on international, system-level comparisons; ILSAs are typically accompanied by a comprehensive evaluation of education contexts, and one of their major aims is to inform education policy
- IQCMInternational Quality Control Monitor
- IRTitem response theory
- ISCinternational study centre
- ISCEDInternational Standard Classification of Education
- ISEIinternational socio-economic index of occupational status
- itema question in a survey, a test, or a (background or context) questionnaire
- item release policythe rules or criteria determining when and how various assessment items may be released to the public
- item response theorymeasurement theory that describes the probability of a response to a test or questionnaire item on the basis of characteristics of the items (mainly difficulty, discrimination, and guessing), and location of the individual on an overall difficulty continuum