PIAAC Cycle 2 Fact Sheet

Long title
Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies
Frequency of data collection
Every 10 years
Previous cycles
  • 2018−2021: development phase (framework and instrument development)
  • 2021 (April−June): field test, Round 1
  • 2022-2023 (August-March): data collection, Round 1
  • 2024 (November): release of the international report and international database, Round 1

Measure the key cognitive and workplace skills needed for individuals to participate in society and for economies to prosper. The evidence from this survey will help countries better understand how education and training systems can nurture these skills. Educators, policy makers, and labor economists will use this information to develop economic, education and social policies that will continue to enhance the skills of adults.‌

In particular, data from this survey will facilitate a better understanding of:

  • Performance of education and training systems
  • The extent and dimensions of illiteracy and poor literacy
  • Gaps between labor markets and education and training
  • Equity levels in access to education and intergenerational mobility
  • Young people’s transition from education to work
  • Identification of at-risk populations
  • Links between key cognitive skills and variables such as demographics, educational background, health, etc.
Assessment domain(s)
  • Numeracy 
  • Adaptive problem solving
  • Literacy
Study framework (summary)

The background framework

  • Basic demographic characteristics and background of the respondents
  • Educational attainment and participation in formal or informal education
  • Labor-force status, working history, and job traits
  • Skills used at work and in everyday life
  • Social outcomes: trust, political efficacy, volunteering, and health status
  • Quality of the work environment
  • Socio-emotional skills


Literacy assessment

  • Cognitive processes
  • Content dimension
  • Context dimension


Numeracy assessment

  • Cognitive processes
  • Content dimension
    • Mathematical content information and ideas
    • Mathematical representations
  • Context dimension


Adaptive problem solving

  • Content (task) dimensions
  • Cognitive processes
  • Context dimension
Participating entities

In Round 1 (2022−2023): 32 countries and economies

Australia, Austria, Belgium (Flanders), Canada, Chile, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom (England), United States

Target population and sample (summary)

Target population (adults)

Non-institutionalized individuals ages 16 to 65, residing in the participating country or economy


Sample (adults)

5,000 individuals in each participating country

Data collection techniques and instruments (summary)

Household interview and achievement test

  • Background questionnaire in the form of computer-assisted personal interviews (CAPI ): a trained interviewer asks questions to participants ​
  • Computer-based cognitive assessment: respondents complete the cognitive assessment on a tablet under supervision of the interviewer.
    • They can also use a stylus​.
    • It was also possible to complete the assessment on paper.

Employer Survey (optional)

Study website(s)


2, rue André Pascal

75775 Paris Cedex 16


Tel: +33 1 45 24 82 00

Fax: +33 1 45 24 85 00

E-Mail: edu.piaac@oecd.org