ICCS 2022 has released comprehensive reports on both European and international levels, alongside the open-access ICCS 2022 IDB (International Database).
The international report examines civic and citizenship education across 22 countries and includes two benchmarking participants from a 23rd country. Approximately 82,000 lower-secondary students from about 3,400 schools, along with roughly 40,000 teachers, participated in the study. Major findings from ICCS 2022 encompass:
- Civic knowledge shows a plateau, with no notable increase compared to previous cycles.
- Gender gaps in civic knowledge are evident, with girls outperforming boys in 18 countries.
- Socioeconomic status correlates with civic knowledge, with students from higher socioeconomic backgrounds exhibiting stronger understanding.
- Higher levels of civic knowledge correlate with increased support for gender equality, equal rights for immigrants and ethnic groups, and a higher tolerance for diversity.
- Environmental concerns are widespread, with heightened worry about climate change compared to 2016.
- While most students globally support democracy, many express critical views regarding its functioning, and only slightly over half feel their elected representatives represent their interests well.
The European Report delves into specific civic and citizenship issues pertinent to Europe, presenting findings from 18 countries and two benchmarking participants that administered the European student questionnaire. Key highlights from this report include:
- A significant majority of eighth-grade students across participating European countries exhibit a robust sense of European identity.
- While there's widespread support for freedom of movement among citizens within Europe, there's also considerable backing for additional regulations.
- Students express support for inter-European cooperation in environmental conservation and the implementation of common policies.
The insights from ICCS 2022 reports serve as valuable tools for making informed decisions regarding educational policies and practices.