ICCS 2022 Data
All statistics were computed using appropriate sampling weights.
Estimation of standard errors for significance testing were computed by means of:
- Replication methods (jackknife repeated replication, JRR/JK2) to estimate sampling variance
- Five plausible values for estimating measurement variance (for analyses using the civic knowledge scale)
For secondary analyses, data can be analyzed using the IEA IDB Analyzer, which takes into account the specific characteristics of the sampling and assessment design, implements the corresponding replication method, and makes appropriate use of the plausible values for the civic knowledge scale.
Overview of data files
- Student questionnaire data (main file, two additional files for Latin American and European data)
- Student civic knowledge test data
- Teacher questionnaire data
- School questionnaire data
- Within-country scoring reliability data
- National contexts survey data
Countries transitioning from the paper-based assessment in the previous cycle to the computer-based assessment for the student survey were required to implement a bridging study. In those countries, the study was administered to an additional “bridge” sample of students, with the “international” sample using the computer-based mode and the bridge sample using the paper-based mode.
- IDB data files for the international/core sample are named with the two-digit suffix *C4.
- For countries administering the bridge scenario, additional files are available containing the data used for checking for mode effects. These files are named with the suffix *B4. Data from the bridge sample were not used for international reporting.
Two versions: public-use and restricted-use
The ICCS 2022 international database is available in two versions: a public-use file (PUF) and a restricted-use file (RUF).
- The public-use version is available for immediate access from the IEA Study Data Repository. A number of variables have been removed or categorized in the public-use version in order to minimize the risk of disclosing confidential information or enabling re-identification.
- The restricted-use file is an extended version for scientific use. Researchers requiring any of the removed variables should contact the IEA to obtain permission and access to the restricted-use version (see the IEA Website under Data & Tools).
For informational purposes, some civic knowledge test items have been published. The remaining items are kept secure to allow re-use in future ICCS cycles. The use of any published test items for research purposes is subject to approval by the IEA; responses to all items in the assessment are available in the data files.
Researchers requiring any of the removed variables should contact the IEA to obtain permission and access to the restricted-use version (see the IEA Website under Data & Tools).