Getting Skills Right is a series that examines how countries measure changing skill needs and how they develop skills that respond to labor market needs, and how they ensure that these skills are fully utilized by individuals and employers. Presenting both thematic reports on specific policies and issues and in-depth country reviews, this series offers countries the information and analysis they need to get skills right.
This report of Getting Skills Right assesses the current state of the German continuing education and training (CET) system. Addressing that despite the high performance of 15-year-old German students in PISA 2018, the above-average literacy and numeracy skills of adult population in PIAAC, and the strong and well-respected vocational education training system; the participation in learning beyond initial education lags behind other high performance OECD countries and varies considerably across different groups of the population. Finally, the report makes recommendations for the further development of the CET system based on international good practice.
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