Other Data-related Resources


Here you will find databases and other types of resources in education and beyond that may be useful in the context of ILSAs:


Country Profiles and Comparisons Tool

The Country Profiles and Comparisons (CPC) database, developed by the American Institutes for Research (AIR), contains a collection of about 75 key development indicators related not only to international (large-scale) assessments (ILSAs) but also to population, economy, education expenditure, education system, and government for more than 80 countries or subnational education systems. The data are derived from multiple sources, such as ILSAs coordinated by IEA (i.e., PIRLS and TIMSS) and OECD (i.e., PIAAC and PISA), OECD’s Education at a Glance, the World Bank DataBank, and the CIA World Factbook.

The tool allows researchers to gain a better understanding of the country context of student and adult performance and skills in ILSAs. Users can view selected indicators for all countries, view all indicators for selected countries, or navigate between these two options.


Education GPS

Education GPS, a real-time database was developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) based on its extensive research throughout the world, provides comprehensive, constantly updated information and internationally comparable data on education policies and practices.

The database allows users to perform analyses at the country level or across countries by choosing from a wide variety of themes and data and to create customized reports. The data can be explored by topic or by publication, and education policies can be investigated by navigating the visual network of education policy, which offers in-depth information about the different topics, links to related (OECD) sources and glossary terms, and much more.


EPDC Database

The EPDC database was developed by the Education Policy and Data Centre (EPDC) and contains data on key education indicators, such as school access, school participation, completion and progression (pupil flow through the school system), learning outcomes, school resources (human and materials), and others. The database includes some information on nearly every country, but the largest collections of data are for low-income, low-middle-income, and to some extent, upper-middle-income countries, starting in 1999.


ITEMS: Instructional Topics in Educational Measurement

The Instructional Topics in Educational Measurement (ITEMS) Portal, made available by the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME), provides free of charge, curated resources for instructors and their students in quantitative courses as well as specialists working in other contexts interested in educational measurement and assessment. ITEMS modules, the core piece of the portal, cover basically three content areas: (1) foundations of educational measurement, (2) assessment design and implementation, and (3) interdisciplinary frontiers. The modules are presented as short self-contained lessons with various supporting resources to facilitate self-guided learning, team-based discussions, and professional instruction. Content is delivered within a multi-platform digital shell that allows for free navigation through a menu, contains voice-over slides and videos throughout, and includes easy access to supplementary materials such as glossaries, data sets, sample code or applets, vetted online resources, and short learning exercises.



OECD.Stat is a statistical online platform that includes comprehensive data for OECD countries and selected non-member economies on a broad variety of themes, “Education and Training” being just one of them. The data is organized into datasets so that users can either work within individual datasets or across datasets and build tables (with selected variables), extract and download large volumes of data, and view detailed metadata on methodology and sources.


UNESCO eAtlas for Education 2030

The UNESCO eAtlas for Education 2030, which was developed by the UNESCO Institute of Statistics (UIS), is a comprehensive database of indicators largely acquired from the annual UIS education and literacy surveys undertaken in more than 200 countries and territories. The database offers resizable and adaptable maps, time series visualization, and country ranking and allows users to import and export data and graphics. The database is updated every six months.


UOE Database on Education

The UOE Database on Education, developed by UNESCO, the OECD, and EUROSTAT, provides information on the outputs of educational institutions, the policy levers that shape educational outputs, the human and financial resources invested in education, structural characteristics of education systems, and the economic and social outcomes of education, learning and training throughout life. The database is available in English and French.


World Bank EdStats

World Bank EdStats, a platform on education statistics developed by the World Bank, includes approx. 2,500 internationally comparable education indicators for literacy, teachers, population, education expenditures, and school access, progression, and completion—for pre-primary to tertiary education. Sources for these indicators include educational ILSAs, household surveys in more than 90 countries, and projection data to 2050. The platform allows users to gain a global view of education through animated charts and maps, tables, and accompanying analyses.