
Is Education Losing the Race with Technology? AI's Progress in Maths and Reading

The present report follows up the OECD’s Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC), collecting expert judgements in 2021 on whether computers can solve the PIAAC literacy and numeracy tests. It is part of a comprehensive ongoing project on assessing AI. This study shows that AI could potentially outperform large shares of the population on PIAAC – 90% of adults in literacy and 57-88% of adults in numeracy.

Do Your Students Like to Read? Strategies Teachers Employ to Inspire Positive Attitudes Toward Reading

Results show that attitudes toward reading have declined, on average, across many countries. Fourth graders internationally are reporting that they enjoy reading less and less. IEA Teacher Snippet number two provides four strategies to inspire positive attitudes toward reading and foster confidence in reading backed by data from IEA's PIRLS (Progress in International Reading and Literacy Study).

New IEA Publication: PIRLS 2021 Technical Report

IEA has recently published the Methods and Procedures: PIRLS 2021 Technical Report. The report includes information on the development and implementation of PIRLS 2021 and on the way of reporting of the findings. Chapter 1 to 3 introduces to study instruments, chapter 4 to 7 give an overview of the data collection, and chapters 8 to 15 present how the data collected was analyzed and reported.

Commissioned Paper: Using PIAAC to Examine Characteristics

The Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) related publication should provide information on how to support adults in the U.S. who began but did not complete educational qualifications.

Educational Research and Innovation: Is Education Losing the Race With Technology? AI’S Progress in Maths and Reading

This report follows up an earlier pilot study, collecting expert evaluations of how well artificial intelligence (AI) can do the literacy and numeracy tests of the OECD Survey of Adult Skills of the Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC).